Please Support Goose Creek

[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”4″]U[/su_dropcap]nlike most other faith communities, Quakers do not pass a collection plate at Meeting for Worship. However, like any other organization, we still need money to pay the bills, keep up the meeting property, and respond to unexpected financial obligations. While Goose Creek is fortunate to have invested capital, we prefer to use the income from those investments to support organizations and causes that we believe reflect our Quaker values and interests.

This means that we depend upon our members and attenders to give to Meeting each year to cover our operating expenses.

To make a tax-deductible donation to Goose Creek, you can give a one-time donation or a recurring donation online by clicking on the “Donate” button below.

If you prefer, you can mail a check, payable to “Goose Creek Friends Meeting”, to:

Goose Creek Friends Meeting
c/o The Treasurer
PO Box 105
Lincoln, VA 20160

You can also contribute to the Goose Creek Scholarship Fund which provides support to students from Goose Creek and from the local area who are attending college or Quaker high schools. Please indicate on your check that it is for “Goose Creek Scholarship Fund”. If you choose to donate to the scholarship fund online, please make you donation using the PayPal Donate button below and email the Treasurer to notify her of your gift designation.

Street Address:

18204 Lincoln Road

Purcellville, VA 20132

Postal Address:

PO Box 105

Lincoln, VA 20160