Book Sunday

Book Sunday May 21, 2023

Photo by Sarah Huntington

Book Sunday is a celebration that takes place in late May or early June. It marks the end of the formal school year and the beginning of the more relaxed summer sessions.

It is a long-standing tradition to honor the children who have participated in First Day School, as well as thank the many adults who make it possible. It is believed that this event was established over forty years ago.

Each child is presented with a book, appropriate to their age; from board books for the infants, through picture books, chapter books and young adult fare for the oldest students. The books are chosen with the themes of our SPICES in mind – Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship. For years, Jackie Kosbob has been the genius behind the perfect book selections for the students – thank you, Jackie!

Graduating seniors are given three books – a Bible, a copy of the Quaker Faith and Practice, and a copy of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style – as they head out into the world.

Ed Leggett, a beloved Friend who passed away a few years ago, was a staunch supporter and benefactor of Book Sunday. It was very important to him that the graduating students receive a copy of Strunk and White’s Elements of Style. The Meeting planted a persimmon tree in his honor out by Oakdale School.

Afterwards, a group photograph is taken of all the students on the Meeting steps and then everyone can enjoy the ice cream social on the lawn. 

Many thanks Joey Coburn who has managed the ice-cream social for many many years and to Bill Cochran who helped us set up the tables for today’s event and who helps us with innumerable tasks throughout the year – including putting out the Children’s sign on the road by Oakdale.

In 2020, members of the Religious Education Committee selected books, wrapped them in Fundana Bandana (large bandanas printed with an educational nature game) and delivered Book Sunday packages along with a gift certificate for ice cream to all the children of Goose Creek Friends Meeting.