Going Deeper

[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”4″]W[/su_dropcap]hile Quakers have no written doctrine, nor follow any creed, there are many resources available to explore the history, diversity, and deep spiritual path of the Religious Society of Friends. Listed here is a small sampling of them.

Quaker Information Center

A service of the Earlham School of Religion, the Quaker Information Center, is an excellent gateway to learning more about Quakerism, its history, its different branches, and much more.

Friends General Conference (FGC)

FGC is an association of regional meetings mostly in the United States and Canada. It holds an annual gathering at different sites around the US, and occasionally in Canada that is attended by Friends from around the world. Visit its site for more about the Quaker Way and to learn more about the wider Quaker community.

Quaker Speak

A project of FGC, Quaker Speak is a series of short videos made on a variety of topics. You can watch the videos produced so far, and subscribe to receive new videos as they are produced.

FGC Bookstore

A wide range of books about Quakerism and Quaker interests can be ordered from the FGC Bookstore.

Pendle Hill

A Quaker study, retreat, and conference center near Philadelphia, Pendle Hill seeks to transform lives and foster peace with justice in the world. It offers retreats, workshops, and work opportunities. It also holds several Inquirers Weekends each year for those new to Quakerism.

Friends Journal

Friends Journal is a monthly magazine offering a variety of articles, poetry, letters, art, and news of interest to Friends and other spiritual seekers.

Quaker Life

Quaker Life is the magazine published by Friends United Meeting, which represents the programmed, pastoral branch of Quakerism.

Quaker Quaker

Ever since the founding of the Religious Society of Friends in the mid-17th century, Quakers had been prolific producers of the written word. The pamphlets of previous centuries have now given way to blogs, vlogs, and podcasts. Quaker Quaker is the Grand Central Station of the Quaker blogosphere, bringing together differing viewpoints and interpretations from across the Quaker universe.

Street Address:

18204 Lincoln Road

Purcellville, VA 20132

Postal Address:

PO Box 105

Lincoln, VA 20160