Stewardship of Meeting Resources
“Friends need to examine their decisions about obtaining, holding, and using money and other assets, to see whether they find in them the seeds, not only of war, but also of self-indulgence, injustice, and ecological disaster. Good stewardship of economic resources consists both in avoidance of those evils and in actions that advance peace, simple living, justice, and a health ecosystem.”
– Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1986
[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”4″]“T[/su_dropcap]o turn all that we possess into the channel of universal love becomes the business of our lives”. This, in the words of John Woolman, is the meaning of Quaker stewardship.
And this applies to all that we have and are, as individuals, as members of groups, and as inhabitants of the earth. As individuals, we need to be careful to use our time, our various abilities, our strength, our money, our material possessions, and other resources in a spirit of love, aware that we hold these gifts in trust and are responsible to use them in the Light.
Investment of assets and consumption of resources require our careful stewardship. As Friends, we can direct our investments to socially desirable ends, avoiding speculation and activities wasteful or harmful to others. Seek to participate constructively and without greed in the economic life of the community.
2022 Budget
Please click here to see the 2022 Budget. You can also review the 2021 Budget vs Actuals here.
Street Address:
18204 Lincoln Road
Purcellville, VA 20132
Postal Address:
PO Box 105
Lincoln, VA 20160