Goose Creek Friends Meeting

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

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oose Creek is a warm and welcoming community where we support each other in our shared journeys of the Spirit. We believe, in the words of the Quaker writer Thomas Kelly, that “deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center, a speaking Voice, to which we may continuously return.” In our worship and in our daily lives we seek to remain always with our hearts turned toward that Divine Center.

Quakerism is not defined by creeds or doctrine. Rather it is a lived spiritual practice where we seek God in our experiences and live out our faith in our shared world. We believe that there is that of God within each and every human being – adults and children – regardless of faith, race, nationality, sexual orientation, or life experiences. We are called to answer that Divine spark, that Light Within, both in ourselves and in others.

We welcome all seekers, find deep kinship in our shared humanity, and value our differences.

Queries for Ninth Month

Vocal Ministry

  • How do I discern when to speak and when not to speak, both in Meeting and elsewhere?
  • How do we encourage Friends to all ample time t absorb the previous message before speaking?
  • How do I practice listening to the Truth which may be revealed by others?

From Baltimore Yearly Meeting “Advices.”

Once Meeting begins, take time to enter fully into the spirit of worship. Gently offer up distractions as you center down and open yourself to the workings of the Spirit. Come to Meeting with neither a resolve to speak, nor a determination not to speak, but rather with an attitude of expectant waiting and openness… Remember that our manner of worship is ultimately a mystery under the direction of the Spirit. Each Meeting for Worship is a spiritual adventure, unique and unpredictable. Let us remember in humility, as Isaac Penington wrote, that “the end of words is to bring us to the knowledge of things beyond what words can utter.” Know that you are a channel for the Light. If you have a deep sense of the urging of the Spirit, consider your obligation to pass the message on.


“As the worshiper sits in silence some message may arise out of the depth of the soul that by its nature is intended not simply for the worshiper but for the gathering as a whole. If it is left unexpressed, the worshiper feel burdened with a sense of omission, but if it is faithfully uttered, the worshiper feels a sense of clearness and relief. This peculiar sense of urgency is usually the sign of divine requirement. There is no sure or single test of guidance… Though a message may seem intellectually fitting it should be be given unless it glow with life.”
— Howard H. Brinton, 1942

“Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
— Colossians 4:6

“Faithfulness in speaking, even very briefly, may open the way for fuller ministry from others. The tender and humble-minded utterance, given faithfully, can carry its message to the hearts of its hearers.'”
— London Yearly Meeting, 1973

“Gradually I realized that the most powerful ministry is a wordless radiation of the Love of God. As I began to experience this secret, undramatic, invisible ministry flowing out from me, I realized that my sometimes dramatic gifts in the ministry had depended all along on the secret, silent ministry of a woman here or a man there who never spoke in meeting. With humility I came to understand how their ministry of being deeply present to God and then radiating the Love of Jesus Christ is the most important ministry of all, for it helps everyone in the meeting to come into a state of living communion and transformation. Words are important of course — they can be a matter of life and death — but they are only words. What really counts is the powerful transformation of human character which can occure in a meeting deeply gathered into the body of Christ.”
Bill Taber, 1998


Friends and visitors are also invited to join us for our hybrid Meeting for Worship at 9:45 a.m. each Sunday. If you would like to participate online, please use the link below.

Link for Meeting for Worship:

Meeting ID: 833 5073 7205
Passcode: 061785

For all other online gatherings listed in the calendar, please request link at

Help us extend hospitality to Friends and visitors! Sign up to provide after-meeting refreshments here.

Sunday, September 1
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship
11:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Saturday, September 7
11 a.m. Forest Therapy: Nurtured by Nature — Friends Wilderness Center

Sunday, September 8
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship
11:00 a.m. Second hour: Using Quaker process in parenting

Tuesday, September 10
7:30 a.m. Rolling Ridge Bird Walk — Friends Wilderness Center

Sunday, September 15
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship

Thursday, September 19
7:30 p.m. Unity with Nature online monthly guided nature meditation

Sunday, September 22
8:45 a.m. Unity with Nature Committee meeting
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship

Saturday, September 28
10 a.m. Walk in the Woods Workshop 2024 — Rolling Ridge Conservancy/Friends Wilderness Center

Sunday, September 29
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship
11:00 a.m. Ministry & Worship Committee meeting

Wednesday, October 2
6:00 p.m. Quaker music ministry presented by Dann Pell of Exeter Friends Meeting in Douglassville, PA. Potluck dinner to follow.

Sunday, October 6
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship
11:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Tuesday, October 8
7:30 a.m. Rolling Ridge Bird Walk — Friends Wilderness Center

Saturday, October 12
10 a.m. Ephemeral Art in Nature — Friends Wilderness Center

Sunday, October 13
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship
11:00 a.m. Second Hour: Small group worship sharing

Thursday, October 17
7:30 p.m. Unity with Nature online monthly guided nature meditation

Saturday, October 19
4 p.m. Share & Share S’more: Campfire “Open Mic” — Friends Wilderness Center
8:00 p.m. onwards. Meteors on the Meadow: Orionids — Friends Wilderness Center

Sunday, October 20
8:45 a.m. Unity with Nature Committee meeting
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship

Sunday, October 27
9:45 a.m. Meeting for Worship
11:00 a.m. Ministry & Worship Committee meeting

To request an email announcement or addition to the calendar, please contact us at Please read our Goose Creek Email Protocol for further guidance.

Street Address:

18204 Lincoln Road

Purcellville, VA 20132

Postal Address:

PO Box 105

Lincoln, VA 20160
