Religious Education

Religious Education is for Friends and friends of all ages! Our First Day School is for young people 18 and under but our lessons are for everyone! We also have programs geared to older Friends. Like our Quaker forebears, we believe that God’s Light shines particularly brightly in children and we are careful to nurture that Light with tenderness and care. 

Upcoming in First Day School

Religious Education Volunteer Opportunities

We have LOTS of ways to get involved, for example:

  • help keep the supplies cabinets stocked and tidy  (First Day School and/or Oakdale)
  • maintain and restock the First Day School snacks box
  • maintain and restock welcome basket
  • keep eye out for and share resources, e.g. upcoming workshops, books, articles, activity & lesson ideas
  • talk with Friends about becoming teachers
  • lead classes, activities, and discussion groups
  • help with holiday activities and Book Sunday
  • make birthday cards for kids
  • design scavenger hunts
  • write a short article each month for the newsletter summarizing what’s been happening in First Day School and Oakdale and/or work with the kids to write a piece (or create artwork) for the newsletter or website
  • share book recommendations for the three student groups
  • look after the little garden right next to the door of Oakdale

Each First Day we have a nursery for children from birth to kindergarten and First Day School for kindergartners to 12th graders. Babies, children, and young Friends begin worship with the adults at 9:45 in the meeting room. At 10 a.m., led by the teachers, they leave Meeting for Worship and move to the gathering room for the nursery and First Day School.

Lessons cover everything from Quaker history and testimonies, to the Bible and Christianity, other faith practices, and spiritual paths.

In the lessons, the adults not only seek to impart knowledge but also to listen to each child with a whole heart and to allow them space and respect to find that of God within him or herself.

At the end of the school year, Goose Creek holds Book Sunday where every child who participated in First Day School over the previous year is presented with a book. This is followed by an ice cream social to celebrate the start of the summer vacation.

We also encourage our young people to participate in Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s Camping Program, where they can experience wholesome fun outdoors and learn how to “live” the Quaker Way of peace and mutual respect and love in community with other young people. During the school year, middle and high schoolers can also participate in BYM’s Young Friends and Junior Young Friends weekends.

Goose Creek Kids at Book Sunday

Street Address:

18204 Lincoln Road

Purcellville, VA 20132

Postal Address:

PO Box 105

Lincoln, VA 20160
